The Federal Government has commended the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for their tremendous contributions to developmental projects in all fields particularly the ongoing effort to improve healthcare, agriculture and food security in Nigeria.

The Honourable Minister of Budget and Economic Planning, Senator Abubakar Atiku Bagudu (CON) made the commendation in Abuja while receiving a delegation from the Foundation on a courtesy call in his office.

Senator Bagudu said the foundation has been helpful in increasing some of the outcomes Nigeria is challenged with notably polio eradication.

“The Ministry stands ready to cooperate promptly with the foundation and feel free to interrogate our reports and processes, methods and reports so that we can explain and collaborate better”.

3rd Left, Senator Abubakar Atiku Bagudu, Minister of Budget and Economic Planning flanked (L) by Mr. Jeremie Zoungrana, Country Director, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, (R) Dr. Lanre Adekonye, Director International Cooperation and other members of the Foundation during a courtesy visit to the Minister.

He added that “President Bola Ahmed Tinubu reorganize that as leaders, we have to mobilize all , show respect to all and we have to give a place to investors especially those who are assisting in our developmental quest of which Bill and Mellenda Gates is certainly one”.

He congratulated the foundation for opening its office in Abuja and assured them of the Ministry’s access and availability in order to partner effectively.

The Country Director of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Jeremie Zoungrana, in his remarks, said the visit was to strengthen ties on shared priorities in order to continue support for the Country.

Mr. Jeremie Zoungrana used the opportunity to call on Nigerian government to prioritize resource allocation as the key to the success of any development programme the government embanks on.

He added that over the past ten years, the foundation has invested two billion dollars in Nigeria and they are going through a strategy refresh that will allow them extend their programmes to make more impact on the Country.

Gabriel Orim
For: Director (Information)