The Minister of Budget and Economic Planning, Sen. Abubakar Atiku Bagudu, has applauded the European Union for their mutual support and cooperation in mobilizing investors that could help to improve Nigeria’s processes and ways of engaging with the world.

Sen. Bagudu made this commendation yesterday, when the EU Ambassador to Nigeria, Ms.Samuela ISOPI, paid him a courtesy visit in Abuja.

He said: “This is consistent with the drive by our President to boast relationship and mobilize investors, to seek support from partners, not just a development partner but a partner who can help us improve our processes and ways of engaging with the world”.

The Minister noted with delight that the trade between Nigeria and the EU was growing along with support and corporations in different areas and that the Federal Government appreciated “the cordial relationship shared with EU . “we want to demonstrate that by providing opportunities for more partners, private sector relationships which are already on the ground, social and cultural relationships which will also be boosted”.

He stressed further that the Federal Government acknowledged the support of the EU in areas of governance and improvement of the rule of law.

The Minister added that the general objectives of Nigeria’s cooperation with the European Commission (EC) were to foster sustainable economic and social development and for the campaign against poverty.

Bagudu also emphasised that Nigeria was an important partner for the EU for several reasons: its economic and social strength; young and growing democratic institutions; role in Africa in general and particularly, in the process of regional integration in West Africa; role as a key energy supplier for the EU’s energy security; and its central position in the management of inward and outward migration flows, both to support the development agenda and to control human trafficking.

In implementation of projects, he said, “EU – Supports the Migration Governance in Nigeria (SDGN) Phase II;
EU – Supports the innovation and Jobs for Youth in Nigeria (INN-JOBS);Cooperation Facility (CF);
EU – Supports the Education and Youth Empowerment in North – Western Nigeria; and Supports the Agriculture Value Chain Facility (VACE).

In her remarks, the EU Ambassador to Nigeria, Amb. Samuela Isopi, said that Since investment was a priority of President Bola Tinubu’s administration, “the EU is currently mapping out the presence of European companies here, “We know that there’s much that can be done and we know that Nigeria is really a land of opportunities”.

Amb. Isopi revealed that companies from the EU member states would invest in Nigeria, adding that “Nigeria is really a land of opportunities and we have to seek together how we can tap the potential.”

On the essence of her visit, Amb. Isopi said: “We are here to convey a message that the EU and the member states would like to boost the cooperation that we have always had with Nigeria”

Mary Henshaw
Principal Information Officer
For: Director (Information)